Saturday, January 28, 2012

NBC: Teen Grabs Wheel, Saves School Bus

I know this isn't coupon related, but in this day and age, I like hearing about the good things people are doing.  I heard this story on the radio driving my daughter to school yesterday and I had to grab a tissue.  It's no secret, I get all emotional about "rescue 911" scenarios.

I want to introduce you to Graceann Rumor from Pennsylavnia.  She's seventeen, she's a high school student, and she's a hero.  Graceann steered her school bus to safety after the driver collapsed and the bus veered into on coming traffic.  I don't know if she's a super smart girl, if she has a fabulous moral fiber, or a really great driver's ed teacher; but that girl is a hero!  You can read all about it on NBC 10 Philadelphia

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