Saturday, June 11, 2011

Dollars And Sense from

Have you read the Dollars and Sense articles on  It's supposed to be a Saturday feature.  Take a look:

Thanks again, and happy couponing!
--The Hopkins County Couponer (6/11/2011)

Trial Size Cascade Action Pacs

I had been looking for these Trial Size Cascade packages for weeks. 

This Week's Bottom Line

"This Week's Bottom Line" is going to be a new weekly feature for the blog.  I've made a couple individual posts, but that gets a little time consuming!  I thought one, end of the week, post would be more sufficient!  I used a coupon on each of the items featured here.  I have a family of four, so these are not the only purchases I made this week!  But, who wants to see the stuff I had to pay full price for?  Nobody!  Not even me!  How was your week in savings?  Here's the break down....

Coupon Recon: Dial Bodywash

As you are probably reading in every coupon email you receive, there is a $2 off any size Dial Bodywash coupon set to hit the newspapers tomorrow (6/12).  And you can get "overage" because Walmart carries the travel size for $0.97.  Madisonville Walmart does indeed have the travel size, but there were only a handful of bottles in the bin this morning.  If you are planning to score this deal, you better get there early tomorrow or hope they restock tonight.

I Heart The Mart's Top 10 Under a $1

I love reading the Top 10 list from I Heart the Mart.  I don't like going to Madisonville only to find that the prices are higher or the item isn't stocked!  I just have a hard time seeing prices in the Houston, TX area are lower than they are in Western KY.  You can view his list here:

I printed his list and took it with me today.  Here's what I found.