Monday, June 20, 2011

Duncan Hines Printable

Head over to Money Saving Madness for a link to a Duncan Hines Brownie printable.
Save 50-cents on ANY (1) Duncan Hines Brownies.  Be sure to take this one with you to Kmart this week!  If Kmart doesn't carry these, take the coupon to Market Place, Sureway, or Kroger where it will double all the time!

Thanks again, and happy couponing!
--The Hopkins County Couponer (6/20/2011)

Update: Kmart is DOUBLING!!!

If you haven't made it to Kmart, you might want to put it on your to do list.  Madisonville Kmart is doubling coupons with a face value of 99-cents and under!  And you don't have to make a minimum purchase to get the doubles!  You do need a Shop Your Way Rewards Card, but it's free to sign up if you don't have it already! 

I made a quick trip and paid 50-cents for a roll of Reynolds Wrap and 9 Tic Tacs!  I had a 75-cent off coupon for each item.  The roll of Reynolds Wrap was clearance priced for $2 so after my coupon doubled to $1.50, I paid 50-cents for the roll and paid zero for all of the Tic Tacs!  The cashier sort of laughed when he told me my total. 

There were several Kmart coupons in the rack near the service desk (where the weekly ad is kept).  Kmart Super Coupons can be combined with manufacturer's coupons.  I spotted one for Softsoap Liquid handsoap priced at 79-cents.  I don't think there are any manufacturer's coupons available right now for Softsoap, but that's a good price even without a coupon.  You could do a price match at Walmart for that one.

I'm planning to do a coupon matchup before my next trip so I don't miss out on any other great deals!

Thanks again, and happy couponing!
--The Hopkins County Couponer (6/20/2011)

Did you look in the American Profile?

If you passed up browsing through the American Profile magazine inside yesterday's paper, you may have missed out on a True Value coupon postcard!  It's good for $5 off a $25 purchase and expires July 9th!

Thanks again, and happy couponing!
--The Hopkins County Couponer (6/20/2011)

Red Plum Printables

Have you checked out the printables from Red Plum?