Most stores won't accept a coupon without an expiration date!
Know How to Coupon: Where Do I Get My Coupons?
Keep in mind, if you've spent 2-bucks to buy a newspaper, you need to use at least $2 in coupons to cover the cost of the newspaper! If you drive to buy your paper/magazine, consider getting a home delivery subscription to save gas! Call the paper and find out if you can get it delivered to your door.
Owensboro Messenger Inquirer (270) 684-5261
Evansville Courier & Press (812) 464-7500
Louisville Courier Journal (866) 655-4321
KY New Era (270) 887-3290
{{Quick Tip}} Check the paper before you leave the store! Sometimes the coupon inserts are not in the paper! Sunday Coupon Preview is a wonderful website that tells you what inserts to look for each week!
Know How to Coupon: Internet Printable Coupons
Internet Printables are the fastest, easiest way to obtain coupons for the products you use. But, there are THREE things you have to have to get started: A Computer, A Printer, and Internet Access.
Internet Printables are free to get but are not free to print! Every time you print you're using ink and spending money. Print what you'll use and skip the "maybes".
Here are the four top sites for Internet Printables:
A lot of manufacturer's also have printables on their website. Take a few mintues to look up your favorite products, you might be surprised to find a printable coupon!
{{Quick Tip: You can almost always print a coupon TWICE!}}
{{Quick Tip: Never photocopy a coupon and try to use it! Internet Printables have a unique "pin" and can only be used once. Making copies is a No-No!}}
Know How to Coupon: Ebay & Coupon Clippers
If you use Ebay or a Clipping Service, you'll have to pay a fee per coupon and probably Shipping & Handling. Beware of sharing your credit card information online!
These options are good when there is a coupon that didn't make it into your local newspaper. Or when you want a quantity of a specific coupon. The longer you coupon, the better you'll get at knowing what is a good coupon and what is a great coupon!
Some Clippers I Like:
My Coupon Hunter
Clippity Q
Coupon DeDe
Know How to Coupon: How Do I Organize My Coupons?
The key is knowing what coupons you have and where to find them. Find the way that's right for you!
Know How to Coupon: My Top Three Tools
Sunday Coupon Preview will let you know what coupons are coming out on Sunday.
A Coupon Database is the quickest, easiest way to find out if there is a coupon for a specific product.
I use the Coupon Database on Southern Savers every week while I'm making the Coupon Matchups for Food Giant, Sureway, and Market Place.
I use Binder Clips (get them anywhere you find office/school supplies) to hold my coupons together as I shop. I almost always leave my "binder" at home and only carry the coupons I plan to use. Binder Clips are great for keeping stuff clipped together. You could also use paper clips or an envelope.
Know How to Coupon: Where to Use Your Coupons
Generally, if the store sells groceries, they accept coupons. Most stores have a viewable Coupon Acceptance Policy. Get familiar with the policy and find a blog that caters to that retailer.
{{Quick Tip: Save your printer ink and do not print out the Coupon Acceptance Policies!}}
Know How to Coupon: How Do I Find the Savings?
Know How to Coupon: How do I find the Savings?
Weekly Sale Ads are the easiest way to know what's on sale and where it's on sale. Most ads are in the Sunday paper or you can grab an ad in the store.
To get the most out of your weekly ad, find a coupon blog/website that gives you a Coupon Matchup so you can find a list of coupons to go along with this week's sale.
There are a ton of Coupon Blogs/Websites you can follow. I like to subscribe by email so I get a message when new information is added. Follow blogs that give you info on the stores where you shop!
Here's a Short List:
Food Giant, Market Place, Sureway: Hopkins County Couponer or Coupon For Change
Kroger: I Heart Kroger
Walmart: I Heart the Mart (often features prices that differ from our local prices!)
Walgreens: Wild for Wags
CVS: Wild for CVS
All the Major Stores: Southern Savers
To get the most out of your weekly ad, find a coupon blog/website that gives you a Coupon Matchup so you can find a list of coupons to go along with this week's sale.
There are a ton of Coupon Blogs/Websites you can follow. I like to subscribe by email so I get a message when new information is added. Follow blogs that give you info on the stores where you shop!
Here's a Short List:
Food Giant, Market Place, Sureway: Hopkins County Couponer or Coupon For Change
Kroger: I Heart Kroger
Walmart: I Heart the Mart (often features prices that differ from our local prices!)
Walgreens: Wild for Wags
CVS: Wild for CVS
All the Major Stores: Southern Savers
If you're not "brand loyal" always buy the least expensive brand. Sometimes, the store brand is still cheaper, even when you're using a coupon on a brand name item.
Know How to Coupon: Coupon For Change
Like I always say, Couponers CAN make a difference, one donation at a time.
Coupon For Change is an idea I had after blogging for several months. It should literally cost you "pocket-Change" to coupon. If you're paying more for your coupons than you're saving with the coupons, you may as well skip the coupons. Try Price Matching, you will be amazed at how much you can save just by getting it when it's on sale.
You should also use your couponing skills to "Change the world" and do something good for others. Avoid becoming a "hoarder" by donating some of the things you've bought with your coupons. You can guarantee there is someone, somewhere that will benefit from your generosity.

Know How to Coupon: Coupon For Change
Like I always say, Couponers CAN make a difference, one donation at a time.
Coupon For Change is an idea I had after blogging for several months. It should literally cost you "pocket-Change" to coupon. If you're paying more for your coupons than you're saving with the coupons, you may as well skip the coupons. Try Price Matching, you will be amazed at how much you can save just by getting it when it's on sale.
You should also use your couponing skills to "Change the world" and do something good for others. Avoid becoming a "hoarder" by donating some of the things you've bought with your coupons. You can guarantee there is someone, somewhere that will benefit from your generosity.