Saturday, July 23, 2011

This Week's Bottom Line Part 1

This week's shopping savings!

This Week's Bottom Line Part 2

More shopping savings!

Gift Basket Sneak Peek!

If you read the invite on We Use Coupons (Click Here!) for the Couponers Meet & Greet, you'll recall that I said I'd post a sneak peek at the Gift Basket.  Well, I didn't have the basket until today!  So, here's the first sneak peek!

It's not a very big basket, but I loved the color!  It matches the blog!  And I think I can get lots of goodies in there.  Not sure if I'll get another sneak peek pic posted, you may have to wait until the Couponers Meet & Greet Monday to check it out!

Thanks again, and happy couponing!
--The Hopkins County Couponer (7/23/2011)

The New DataBar Coupon Code

If you haven't already noticed it on many of the coupons we've gotten recently, there's a new bar code in town.  It's on the right side of the traditional bar code we all know and love.  Retailers will have several months to get their cash registers updated or we will begin to see major coupon redemption problems!  Let's hope that our local retailers are already up to date!

This Week's Dollars & Sense: Line Dry v. Electric Dryer

Read this week's Dollars & Sense!  It's all about line drying your laundry instead of using the electric dryer.  And, yes, it counts if you hang your laundry on the shower bar or the treadmill!  Anyone know how to keep the hanger ends from makes those little "peaks" on the shoulder of your shirts?  I wonder what kind of difference I would see in my electric bill if I stopped drying most of my laundry in the electric dryer?  That just might be a challenge I set for myself!  Here's an added bonus:  if you hang up the laundry straight out of the washer, you can move it right into your closet once it's more piles of laundry in the laundry basket!  Win / Win!  Thanks, Leigh!

Thanks again, and happy couponing!
--The Hopkins County Couponer (7/23/2011)

Kroger Matchups Courtesy of Southern Savers

I always get my Kroger Matchups from Southern Savers (or I Heart Kroger).  Here's the lisings for 7/24.  Just Click Here!  Thanks, Southern Savers, for a great MatchUp! 

Caution: There's a matchup for Knorr Rice/Pasta but I don't think the coupon listed is for the rice and pasta sides; try that one at your own risk!  Sometimes, the prices are different for Madisonville Kroger, so be sure to compare the matchup with the online ad tomorrow before you shop!  Also, Crayola Crayons are 2/$1 instead of 25-cents each for us-boo!

Thanks again, and happy couponing!
--The Hopkins County Couponer (7/23/2011)

Lanacane Free Sample

As I thumbed through the August issue of Woman's Day I came across an ad for Lanacane Anti-Chafing Gel.  And you can get a FREE sample!  Request your FREE sample here!  The ad says:  Lanacane Anti-Chafing Gel dries on contact, has a silky, smooth feel and lasts as long as you need it to.  So you're allowed the comfort and freedom to carry on doing all the things you want to do.  It also says you can find this product at Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, and RiteAid!

Thanks again, and happy couponing!
--The Hopkins County Couponer (7/23/2011)

Donations Needed At DAPS Food Bank, Dawson

Good morning!  Thank you very much to reader Tracy who posted that the DAPS Food Bank in Dawson is getting low on food and is in need of donations.  I will bring any donation items we collect at the Couponers Meet & Greet to the food bank on Tuesday.  If you have anything extra in your stockpile, bring it with you! 

Thanks again, Tracy, and happy couponing!
--The Hopkins County Couponer (7/23/2011)