Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Printable: Bissell

Click to print! Bissell (8/30:77380)

This coupon couldn't have come at a better time!
We just welcomed a puppy into the family on Sunday!

Print Your Printables Soon

You'll be seeing print reminders all over the coupon-osphere to remind you to print out any printable coupons you might need before they disappear with the ending of August.  Man, that's a long sentence.  If you wait until September 1st you run the chance of missing the coupon.  Several of the July coupons from Coupons.com carried over into the first few weeks of August, but we can't be sure anything will carry over into September! 

A good thing to watch is the "expiring in 7 days" category on Coupons.com to help you know if you should print it now or if you can wait a little while longer.  The longer you wait to print, the further away your expiration date is going to be, but you still may miss the opportunity if you wait too long!  And the expiration date is going to be about 30 days from the day you print with almost every printable coupon.

Take a look through the list of printables on the blog (find it here).  Each of those coupons are clickable links to the coupon.  Notice the (8/3:90201) beside the name of the coupon?  That's the date and zipcode I located it under, it should help you find it again.  Some of the coupons will have expired already, but there are over 100 active coupons on Coupons.com alone!

Kroger: Spin & Win

Don't forget to play the Kroger Spin & Win game today.  You need to load at least 4 of the new P&G ecoupons to your Kroger card inorder to play.  But, don't forget that the ecoupons will not double!  I loaded four coupons for products I was pretty sure I won't be using.  I won a $2 ecoupon yesterday and a $1 coupon today!  I think you could pass on the coupon if it's a low value and try again tomorrow.  I went ahead and accepted the $1 off so I won't have to remember to try again tomorrow!

Did you "Like" Scotties Tissue? Get Your Coupon

Were you one of the many people who "liked" Scotties Tissue on Facebook recently?  If you haven't gone back to the page to claim your coupon, be sure to do that today.  But, you had to have "liked" them during their coupon promotion a week or so ago (I posted about it!). 

Just click here to get to the Scotties Facebook page, then click "qualifiers" on the left hand side.  You'll need to enter your name and email address.  It should let you know if you can expect to see your coupon in your email inbox!  Today may be the last day to claim your coupon so don't forget! 

And, yes, they do have these at Dollar General on South Main, I saw them when I ran in for a minute last night!  I can't wait to try them!  Several preschoolers in my son's class had runny noses yesterday, so I see a cold headed our way soon!

Printable: Benjamin Moore

Click to Print! Benjamin Moore (8/30:77380)

Printables: Lloyd's BBQ

Click to Print!  Lloyd’s BBQ (8/29:98052)

Click to Print! Lloyd’s Woodfire BBQ (8/29:98052)