Welcome to The Hopkins County Couponer! I'm so happy you stopped by!
About Me
My name is Misty Cotton and I am a stay-at-home mom, a military wife, and a couponer. Like many of you, I watched the premiere episode of TLC's Extreme Couponing and have been using coupons ever since. In the beginning, I couldn't find a website catering to Food Giant, Sureway, and Market Place shopping. So, I decided to give blogging a try and The Hopkins County Couponer was born. If you're not a blogger, but you are passionate about something, blogging is a great experience! And, it's free, too! See my very first blog post here. You can see a photo of my "great wall of toilet paper" here. We no longer have the great wall, I've mellowed quite a bit in my couponing antics over the past year! But, believe me, we're not running out of tp anytime soon!
Contact Me
email: hopkinscountycouponer@gmail.com
Follow The Hopkins County Couponer
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On Pinterest (well, follow me on Pinterest!)
You can even subscribe by email. Read more about that here!
Couponers CAN make a difference, one donation at a time
Please take a minute to read my Couponers Initiative. I got into couponing more as a hobby than a way to save money. But, it didn't take long for me to realize that this hobby was saving my family money! Now, I try to use couponing to help others, too. I have been inspired by a blog called Zeal for a Deal since the very beginning of my coupon journey. I hope you use your coupon skills to help me make a difference and Coupon for Change, too!
Coupon for Change
Coupon for Change is a new weekly post to go along with the Coupon Matchups. It's simply a list of $1 and under items that would make great donation items. Spend $1 each week as you shop and add the item(s) to your donation box. When your box is full, drop it off at your favorite food bank! You'll barely notice spending that extra dollar at the checkout. But, you will notice what a wonderful thing you're doing when your dontation box begins to overflow! Just remember, check the expiration dates as you shop. You'll want to get items that won't expire for a while, I look for an expiration date around May 2013.
I Love Comments!
In case you didn't know, I love comments and feedback! It seriously brightens my day! So, go ahead and leave a comment! If you've never left a comment, you can read a quick tutorial here!