From Left to Right: Tammy, Misty (that's Me!), Carolyn, and Amy
Not pictured: Tammy's husband, Leigh (how'd she get out of the picture), & Morgan who snapped the pic!
Thanks, Mo, you did a great job!
We've decided to make this a monthly get together so go ahead and mark your calendar for Monday, July 25th (the last Monday of the month). We'll see you at Arby's at 6! Don't forget to bring a donate-able item and your extra coupons if you're interested in swapping!
And I think I just found a grammatical error in my little table sign! I put "Couponer's CAN make a difference, one donation at a time!" but I think it should be Couponers, I'll have to fix that before next time! You know how I dislike typos!
Also, tomorrow is going to be a slow blog day. It's a late night tonight and it's going to be an early day for me tomorrow. All should be back to normal tomorrow afternoon and the blogging shall resume!
Thanks again, and happy couponing!
--The Hopkins County Couponer (6/27/2011)