But, the great thing about the Food Drive is not winning the pizza party. The great thing about the Food Drive is these donated items are available each week for families to pickup. And that means there needs to be a steady flow of donations to keep that table stocked. I gotta say the donation table was looking mighty empty yesterday... I'm going to clean out my cabinets and send as much as I can on Monday and I challenge you to do the same! In fact, I challenge you to beat the Purple Pod! ;-} Next week is your last chance to make donations to be counted toward the pizza party. But, donations are accepted all of the time!
You can get 2/$1 canned goods at Market Place (Best Choice) or you can get a 4-pack of Libby's Vegetables for $2 at Walmart! Oh the goodness we would see if everyone grabbed at least two cans and donated them! Like I often say: Couponers CAN make a difference, one donation at a time!
I hope you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday. And remember, when you make a donation, even a small one, you are helping another family have a wonder and happy holiday, too!