
This is the Couponers Initiative. 

Each week, as you search for the best ways to save money, I ask that you take a little extra time to find items that you can donate to your favorite charity, food bank, or school. 

I believe that "Couponers CAN make a difference, one donation at a time."  Extreme Couponing touched a little on the good things couponers can do, and I want everyone in Hopkins County to know that we can do those things here, too.  Maybe on a much smaller scale, but we can do them just the same. 

I personally hadn't given much thought to donating things for food banks until I got a flier out of my daughter's back pack (two years ago) announcing a canned food drive.  In her second year of preschool, there was another flier introducing me to the Back Pack Program.  The Family Resource Center puts food into back packs on Fridays to help feed kids through the weekend.  This program helps feed kids during the entire school year, so they need frequent donations.  If you're looking for something to support, I highly recommend the Back Pack Program.

I add things to my Donation Box as often as I can find things FREE or extremely cheap.  Recently, I decided to spend $1 on donation items on each grocery trip.  I hope other couponers adopt this Couponers Initiative and help spread the idea to other couponers outside of Hopkins County.