Friday, September 30, 2011

Culinary Crafts: My Life According to Maxine

After reading this week's Culinary Crafts: My Life According to Maxine, I just couldn't help but wonder what good ol' Maxine would have to say about couponing?  Especially Extreme Couponing!  I'd probably have to cover my ears!  But wouldn't that make a funny Hallmark card?  Don't they say Hallmark makes a card for everything?

I wish I could draw, but I can't, so use your imagination.....Picture a little house with a little lady in front of it, then beside that there's a huge house where she keeps her stockpile...she had to build the bigger house to hold the stockpile....and it would say Stockpile = $30,000...Paid = $300........
New House for Stockpile = $150,000.......
Never running out of toilet paper = Priceless
Be sure to check it out on Leigh's Culinary Crafts blog or on iSurf!

1 comment:

  1. I love your imagination!! Only you could come up with that. Thanks for posting about my blog. Luv your blog!!
