Friday, June 17, 2011

Coupon Recon: Dial Bodywash

If you've been reading my posts over the last couple days, you know that my husband just arrived home from Afghanistan.  So, while I filled him in about the Dial $2 off coupon and how you could get the travel size for free and get $1.03 back at Walmart, he had an idea.  Now, I have previously stated that you should use that $2 off coupon to price match the full size bottle to the Walgreens price of $2.99 and pay a buck for the big bottle.  But, you could also do this and I would call it a Win-Win!  The thing is, you need two of the $2 coupons and a Walmart with the travel size in stock!  BTW, Madisonvillle was completely out this afternoon! 

Buy one full size bottle and price match to Walgreens = $2.99
Buy one travel size bottle = $0.99
-and then-
Use two $2 off coupons = $4.00
Get the Full Size bottle and the Travel Size bottle both totally FREE!

Unfortunately you only have through Saturday to price match the Walgreens price and the coupon expires on June 30th!  So, if you were lucky enough to get your hands on those coupons, don't delay, use them today!  I did see a Dial Bodywash for, I think, $3.27 so worst case scenario, if you can't get this deal before Saturday, you can pay about a quarter for the full size and the travel size.  That's a really great deal!

Thanks again, and happy couponing!
--The Hopkins County Couponer (6/17/2011)

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