Good Sunday Morning! Well, it is Sunday Morning, not exactly a good morning around our house, though! We've been sick this week! Started out with my son last Saturday night, then moved on to my daughter by Wednesday afternoon, and of course on to me by Friday. And, it's a virus that you can't really take medicine for! Luckily it hasn't been a stomach virus (those things are beyond awful). Just the run of the mill head cold, fever, cough type of virus. I guess we were lucky to make it a little over a month since the beginning of school without getting sick! Needlesstosay, I haven't felt much like blogging lately. I haven't even been reading the daily coupon emails I get - gasp! - I know, I am totally out of the coupon loop. Right now I am just hoping everyone is well enough to return to school tomorrow! Anyhoo, hope everyone has had a good weekend and here's to hoping the beginning of this week starts out better than the beginning of last week!
I've been wondering about you guys. I figured it was one of two things....either you guys were sick or you had won the lottery and you all had packed up and ran away. But my bets were on the first. Hope you guys get better soon.