I was a little shocked to read this post by A Thrifty Mom. She shares a comment that someone left on her blog and I just have to say that, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all! I sometimes make comments on things I see on coupon blogs/websites, but I never criticize the host of the blog/website. Most of the time I leave a comment because I have a question about the deal and I need more information to make it work for me! Comments are sometimes called RAOKS, which stands for Random Acts of Kindness. It's not very kind when you tell someone they should discontinue their blog!
I've posted a list before of the blogs/websites I follow (check out the blog roll). I think I get around 25 emails a day. There's a lot of repeat info in the emails, but every once in a while there will be a great deal burried amongst all that repeat info! But, I would recommend picking at least five of your favorite blogs/websites and signing up for their daily email. I hope The Hopkins County Couponer is one of the emails you've signed up for!
I've been actively couponing for about seven months now and I eventually came to this realization: You can't get every deal out there. You'll never save any money if you keep purchasing things just because they are on sale! (Except toilet paper, buy it when it's on sale, it'll never go bad!) Once you get a nice stock pile of things built up, take a break for a little while. Even shampoo and bodywash can go bad if it sits on a shelf long enough. Don't buy more than you can possibly use before it spoils!
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