Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Walgreens Trip This Week

Here's a pic of the items I purchased at Walgreens this week.  My out of pocket total was $10.24 after coupons, rolling rewards, and taxes; and $4.50 in rewards from last week.  Plus, I still have the $5 reward from the Degree purchase.  I did these transaction on two separate days, so I wasn't able to roll that $5 reward getting me a lower out of pocket.  And, really, that's the way to shop!  You want your Out Of Pocket as low as you can get it!  Notice that I did not pick up any of those "free" after reward items featured in the ad.  I skipped those for a few reasons.  1. My family doesn't use any of them.  2. I didn't want to fight the crowd to get them.  3. I didn't want to increase my already abundant stockpile of stuff.

Here's what I purchased:  4-Degree Deodorant ($5.50 w/ $5.00 reward); 4-Right Guard Deodorant (Free after BOGO sale & coupon!); 2-Orbit Gum ($1.38); 1-Ritz Cracker (Free after reward!); 3-Arizona Tea ($5.97); Taxes ($1.89); and I had $4.50 in rewards to use from last week making my grand Out Of Pocket Total a mere $10.24.  If I did not have coupons or rewards to use, I would have paid over $32.81! (The tea was part of the two-day sale and I forgot to check the before sale price!)  I had a coupon for Ritz Crackers and had planned on stopping in at Kmart for them, but the sale was better at Walgreens....they just had one lonely box, so I wasn't able to use my coupon for $1 off 2.

So, how do you think I did?  Thanks, and happy couponing!
--The Hopkins County Couponer

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