Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Save $1.00 On Any Pack Of Rayovac Alkaine Batteries

This coupon was available a couples months ago, and it has reset and can be printed again!  I printed these the first time around and got free 4-pack batteries at Walmart.  I had to do some searching for the $0.97 packs, and found them in the check out line instead of with the battery display.  Thanks to MoJo Savings for including this coupon link in her email today!  With kids in the house, it seems like you can never have too many AA batteries!  The expiration date is 7/29/2011 so that should give you plenty of time to find them!


FYI:  It took a little time for the coupons to load onto the screen....may have just been my slow-mo computer, though!  Also, you may have to click "Rayovac Coupons" on the left hand side.
Thanks again, and happy couponing!
--The Hopkins County Couponer (5/31/2011)

I'm So Happy! Got My First Blog Email!

Ok, ok, this post has nothing to do with couponing, but I just checked my "regular" email and I had gotten the first email from The Hopkins County Couponer!  I know it's an email from the posts I made, but I am seriously on cloud nine right at this moment!  Yay me!

Thanks again, and happy couponing!
--The Hopkins County Couponer (5/31/2011)

Print your CVS Extra Care Bucks!

Thankyou MoJo Savings for this great tip in my email yesterday!

Log into your CVS account and you can view and PRINT any useable ECBs you have.  This is great to know because I tend to make a stack of my receipts under my computer monitor; I call it the "deal with it later pile".  And it just so happens that I had a $1 ECB that I had forgotten about until I sorted the pile!  If I had checked my CVS Extracare account before my shopping trip Sunday morning, I could have saved an additional $1!  Plus, this is good news because if you're like me and you toss your receipt into your shopping bag with the milk, you're receipt isn't much use anymore after it gets wet.

Thanks again, and happy couponing!
--The Hopkins County Couponer (5/31/2011)

My Walgreens Trip This Week

Here's a pic of the items I purchased at Walgreens this week.  My out of pocket total was $10.24 after coupons, rolling rewards, and taxes; and $4.50 in rewards from last week.  Plus, I still have the $5 reward from the Degree purchase.  I did these transaction on two separate days, so I wasn't able to roll that $5 reward getting me a lower out of pocket.  And, really, that's the way to shop!  You want your Out Of Pocket as low as you can get it!  Notice that I did not pick up any of those "free" after reward items featured in the ad.  I skipped those for a few reasons.  1. My family doesn't use any of them.  2. I didn't want to fight the crowd to get them.  3. I didn't want to increase my already abundant stockpile of stuff.

Here's what I purchased:  4-Degree Deodorant ($5.50 w/ $5.00 reward); 4-Right Guard Deodorant (Free after BOGO sale & coupon!); 2-Orbit Gum ($1.38); 1-Ritz Cracker (Free after reward!); 3-Arizona Tea ($5.97); Taxes ($1.89); and I had $4.50 in rewards to use from last week making my grand Out Of Pocket Total a mere $10.24.  If I did not have coupons or rewards to use, I would have paid over $32.81! (The tea was part of the two-day sale and I forgot to check the before sale price!)  I had a coupon for Ritz Crackers and had planned on stopping in at Kmart for them, but the sale was better at Walgreens....they just had one lonely box, so I wasn't able to use my coupon for $1 off 2.

So, how do you think I did?  Thanks, and happy couponing!
--The Hopkins County Couponer

Monday, May 30, 2011

Got a Donations Stockpile? Watch those expiration dates!

I just happened to pick up a few boxes of Stove Top yesterday and had them sitting on the island waiting to be moved to the "donations stockpile" I've started.  As I walked by them a little while ago, I stopped to check the expiration dates.  And (eeek!) they expire in October of this year.  Those are probably not going to work for the fall food drive at the school.  So.....went to the rest of the stockpile to check some other things for their expiration dates.  And (oh no) found three more boxes of Stove Top that expire (it gets worse) in the first week of June!  Yep, had to pull those out and am preparing a mental list of people to gift them to so they can get used before they expire.  Tina, Amy, I'll be making you a visit tomorrow!

The good news?  I freed up a little space in my "donations stockpile" and even better was the valuable lesson I learned:  Always look for the furthest expiration date!  I'm pretty sure that I got all of those boxes free after coupons, so it's not a total loss...as long as someone eats them before they expire!

Thanks again, and happy couponing!
--The Hopkins County Couponer (5/30/2011)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Welcome to The Hopkins County Couponer!

A first post is probably supposed to have something fabulous and mind blowing, but i am all new to blogging, so I am just going to say.....

Hi, there!  My name is Misty and I am creating this blog because I couldn't find a coupon blog specific to my home shopping area: Hopkins County, KY.  I'm in no way a veteran couponer, and I am not declaring myself to be THE Hopkins County Couponer.  Far from it.  I chose this title as a spin-off of newspaper titles (ie.  "The Madisonville Messenger" or "The Courier Journal").  In fact, I sort of envisioned creating a Newsletter rather than a blog....but life goes on and a blog has been born!

A little about me....I began couponing after watching TLC's Extreme Couponing in January of this year.  Extreme Couponing led me to google which then led me to a ton of great couponing websites.  Couponing is such an easy way to save money, I wish I had come across it when my kids were infants needing diapers and formula.  Oh, the money I could have saved on diapers alone!  I'm not saying that couponing is easy, there is most definitely a learning curve.  But, once you get the hang of it, it's a great way to save money! 

I have no idea where this blog will take us, but I hope to have fun getting us there!  I just ask that you please bear with me in these early days as I begin to figure out the blog-osphere and how to get around in it.  Thanks again, and happy couponing! 
--The Hopkins County Couponer (5/29/2011)