Saturday, September 10, 2011

iSurf Culinary Crafts - It's Grandparents Day

Be sure to read this week's Culinary Crafts by Leigh Douglas, it's a great reminder that tomorrow is Grandparents Day (Sunday, 9/11)!  It's always good to read or hear about something that sparks a memory about a loved one.  I, too, think of my grandparents when I see certain tv shows.  For me, Bonanza will always make me think of my maternal grandparents, Mr.Ed reminds me of my paternal grandmother, and cashews always remind me of my paternal grandfather!  I can't wait to see what little things my kids will associate with their grandparents.  Taters from the pantry will remind them of my dad, powdered donuts of my mom.  For all of you grandparents out there, have a Happy Grandparents Day!

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