Sunday, September 18, 2011

Good Sunday Morning!

Good morning, everyone!  I am on blog-lite this morning because we went to Evansville yesterday and I have slept in this morning!  I learned an important lesson yesterday.....Not only am I getting wider, I am also getting shorter!  I shopped for pants and found that I no longer wear a "medium" length, but have been shrunk to a "short".  Huh?  Yeah, I think the fashion world just tries to make it hard to find pants that fit.  They just want to keep us chained inside that dressing room for as long as possilbe!

We did have a great day in Evansville, though.  Went to the movies...watched Straw Dogs, I love James Marsden (another tid-bit about me).  Thought the movie was intense, but good.  It's also loosely based on a book called "The Siege of Trencher's Farm" and I am in hot pursuit of a copy.  Did you know that Barnes & Noble is, like, the only book store left in Evansville?  No more Borders and no more Books-a-Million.  And wouldn't you know it, B&N didn't have one single copy of that book in the store!  So, I had to settle with a copy of "The Help" which I've been wanting to read for awhile.  Thankyou to the cashier was said read the book, then see the movie. 

I did spot a new coupon for Skittles, Starburst, or Life Savers this morning!  You should be able to find the Fun Size in the Halloween isle, but the candy isle may have to best prices.

Have a great day! --Misty

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