The fine print in the email says you only need to spend $0.01 or more at Payless to receive the Office Max Coupon! I'm sure there is additional find print on the Office Max coupon regarding what items you can purchase. But, how great is $10 off a $30 purchase this time of year? And if you can use the $10 off that super inexpensive laser printer I posted about earlier....match made in heaven! I can almost hear it calling out to need to buy me....I'm waiting for you.....where oh where are my car keys! UPDATE: Curiousity just got the best of me and I had to call the store to check on this. The Hopkinsville store does indeed have 3 printers in stock (as of 3:38 pm) but you can not use the $10 off coupon toward the printer. Big ol' bummer! But, that's still a great coupon and that's still a great price for a laser printer!

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