Friday, June 10, 2011

Krazy Coupon Lady Radio Show

The ladies behind the website have created a radio show that you can hear online at this link.  I decided to tune in and see what they are talking about. 

It got off to a negative start for me because it kind of seemed like they were "bad mouthing" some of the folks featured on Extreme Couponing.  One of the girls even joked, "If you don't have anything nice to say..."  But, once they got past that topic, it wasn't a bad show.  It was a long show, but it wasn't bad. 

One thing I don't agree with is their recommendation for calling "corporate" when you run into a problem in the store.  I think you should call the corporate office only in extreme situations.  If every couponer calls corporate to "knit-pick" about every shopping trip, the stores are going to stop listening when there is a real issue to address.  The ladies did stress to only stand your ground when you know you're right and the store is wrong.  I just never heard them state that each store can handle the coupon policy from a differing perspective at the manager's discretion.  And we are seriously limited on the number of places to shop here in Hopkins County.  If you start ticking off the cashiers and managers, where do you plan on shopping?  Now, I wouldn't advise you to jump in when another couponer is having a problem, definitely mind your own business.  After that couponer leaves the store, if you can add some wisdom to the situation, be willing to share it with the cashiers!

A caller complained that the prices at her Walmart didn't match the prices in the online coupon matchups she had used to make her shopping list.  I liked the Ladies response about this because I get irritated when I find that our Walmart is higher, too!  They basically called Walmart out about having higher prices instead of lower prices.  Amen!

Thanks again, and happy couponing!
--The Hopkins County Couponer (6/10/2011)

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